Faculty Senate

Our Mission:


The Senate shall:

(1) Debate, discuss, and make recommendations to the Dean of the College.

(2) Review and recommend the general requirements for admission to certificate and degree programs; recommend, in accordance with regulations of the Board of Regents of Higher Education, the general requirements for graduation, including total credits required, credits required in work outside the program, and such other provisions as shall affect the general education of graduates of the institution; and approve recommendations for curricular changes submitted by faculty in the various programs or departments through the Academic Standards and Curriculum Review Committee (ASCRC) or other appropriate committee.

(3) Approve and forward to the Dean the nature of the degree to be conferred upon completion of any given course of study; upon nomination by ECOS and the Dean; and establish rules and standards for candidates for student degrees. To ensure that requirements and qualifications are met by candidates, several procedures may be followed in the process of awarding degrees. Nominations of candidates, including candidates for honorary degrees, are the exclusive prerogative of the faculty.

In the case of honorary degrees, initial instigation of study of qualifications of candidates is made by the appropriate division or department of the faculty or by the Dean acting in his or her capacity of faculty membership. Names of candidates thus initially screened by the appropriate division of the faculty may be presented to ECOS for its consideration and possible presentation to the Senate.

(4) Make all regulations for its own proceedings, consistent with the acts of the Board of Regents of Higher Education.

ECOS (Executive Committee of the Senate) members:

  • Seth Roby (Chair)
  • Paul Nicholson
  • Keri Jaynes
  • Jamie Garcia
  • Nolan Eggen
  • Larry Taylor
  • Tony Wilson
  • Derrick Hauer

As a faculty member, you are now a voting member of the Faculty Senate.  An active Senate is crucial in the shared governance of Helena College.  To this end, your experiences, talents, and energies are welcomed, appreciated and necessary in contributing to the growth and development of Faculty Senate.  Faculty Senate offers an opportunity to shape the purpose and character of our institution and define its future in education.  Your active participation in Faculty Senate ensures quality educational experiences for all constituents of Helena College, students, faculty and community, while also promoting healthy and enriching life-long learning experiences. 

Articles of Organization and By-Laws

Senate Subcommittees:

APRC (Academic Program Review Committee)

Academic Program Review Committee 2023-2024 (APRC)

  • Kimberly Feig
  • Veronica Mohrmann
  • Derrick Hauer
  • Dave Jones
  • Director of Institutional Research and Effectiveness, Chair
  • Executive Director of Fiscal Services and Chief Financial Officer
  • Executive Director of Enrollment Services

This committee shall consist of two faculty members who participated in the program review process from the previous year, with an additional two faculty members to serve rotating two-year terms. Faculty members will be nominated by ECOS and elected by the Senate. Additional non-faculty members, including the Director of Institutional Research and Effectiveness, Director of Business Services, and Executive Director of Enrollment (or designee), will also serve on the committee.

(1) APRC oversees program review process throughout the year, and ensures trainings and data are provided in a timely manner.
(2) Provides training and support throughout program review.
(3) Reads academic program reviews and makes recommendations to the program and Cabinet/IDEA Committee. Recommendations include (1) Decision regarding future of program (continue, continue with modifications, or discontinue) and (2) Rationale for decision.  Read more about academic program review

Academic Standards and Curriculum Review (ASCR)

ASCRC shall make a continuing study of the academic standards and curriculum of the College, review and recommend action to the Senate for all proposed alterations of the academic program, and make recommendations to the Senate regarding academic standards. ASCRC shall be responsible for the content of those portions of the College’s catalog consistent with its duties.

(2) Petitions for exceptions to the rules governing admission, graduation, retention, and readmission shall be reviewed and acted upon by the committee. The committee shall develop general policies for such review and action and publicize those policies for the faculty and staff from time to time.  Read more about ASCR

Professional Advancement Committee (PAC)

This committee will provide assistance and mentoring to colleagues in the academic aspects of the processes of promotion and tenure.  This committee will help colleagues establish a baseline of/for involvement regarding various indicators (instruction:  curriculum development, student advising, course assessment; professional development activities; college service: committee work; statement of teaching philosophy) in both processes.  This committee provides an opportunity for the exchange and discussion of pertinent ideas.  Read more about PAC