Research Help

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Find Articles

Learn how and where to search for peer-reviewed journal articles or find newspaper and magazine articles. Choose a database or use OneSearch to search across almost all library databases together.

Find Books & Videos

The library shares collections with 17 other academic libraries in Montana. Search for books to check out from our library, or request materials from other libraries.

Databases A-Z

Discover over 150 research databases that provide access to e-books, articles, video, and more. Sign in from off campus using your NetID (HC#) and password.

eJournals A-Z

Search for journals, magazines, and newspapers.

Citation Help

Get help formatting your paper and citing your sources in MLA, APA, Chicago, CSE, or ASA style.

Subject & Class Guides

Librarian-recommended databases, books, and websites for doing research in a particular subject or for a specific class.

Research and Citation Help

Contact Library Learning Hub staff to for assistance on research, reserouces, or other library services.

Research Process Guide

Get help with any step of the research process, from developing a topic to searching the databases, evaluating information, and citing your sources.

Library Research Tutorial

A self-paced Canvas lesson on library research basics. Take one or all five sections to receive a certificate of completion to submit to instructors who have required you to take the tutorial. The tutorial covers the same information as you find in the Research Process Guide, but in more depth and with opportunities to test your learning.