Excellence in Library Research Award
Sponsored by the law firm of Jackson, Murdo, & Grant, PC.
The Helena College Excellence in Library Research Award recognizes students who engage in rigorous scholarship to complete research needed for assigned papers, presentations, and projects. The Award encourages students to develop the information literacy skills needed for lifelong learning through consistent, thoughtful, and methodical academic processes.
An awardee and runner up will be recognized in each of the three categories: Papers, Presentations, and Projects. Awards will be issued each spring and fall semester for the previous semester's work. Summer submissions will be included with fall and awarded in the spring. The Award in each category will be a $200 cash award issued directly to the student by the sponsor and a personalized Helena College promotional item. The runner up shall receive a $50 cash prize and a personalized Helena College promotional item.
The Library Learning Hub will honor the winning students and the instructor for the course for which their submission was assigned during the Excellence in Library Research Award Ceremony held each semester when respective awards are granted.
Questions should be submitted to the Library Learning Hub staff at library@helenacollege.edu.
- A Paper is defined as a student's own original written document drafted or authored for a course at Helena College which contains a research component and is submitted for consideration in the Paper category of the Award.
- A Presentation is defined as a student's own original recorded discussion accompanied by electronic or physical visual aids delivered or developed for a course at Helena College which contains a research component and is submitted for consideration in the Presentation category of the Award.
- A Project is defined as a student's own original digital, physical, or tangible item developed or constructed for a course at Helena College which contains a research component and is submitted for consideration in the Project category of the Award.
- Library Learning Hub materials including, but not limited to, print collection, electronic databases, and periodicals must be used to complete submissions in all categories.
- All cited sources for a submission in all categories shall be included on a properly written citation page. Citations shall be credible, accurate, and identifiable.
- The competition is limited to enrolled Helena College students
- Entries must have been created for a Helena College class in the currently applicable semester, must include a copy of the assignment directions, and must have received a grade of "A-" or better.
- Minor changes which do not alter the substance of the graded research assignment are permitted before submission.
- All submission forms must include the student's Helena College email address according to the submission process below.
- Each student is limited to one distinct and different submission in each category per semester. A student may change a submission prior to the deadline by contacting the Library Learning Hub.
- Incomplete or late submissions are not eligible for an award.
- Submitting students acknowledge awarded submissions may be posted on Helena College's website, social media pages, bulletin boards, or in other promotional areas.
Selection Committee
Helena College Library Learning Hub staff will convene a committee of consisting of not fewer than three and not more than five judges to review submissions in each category. Each committee member will have applicable qualifications to effectively review submissions and apply the Award guidelines using the available judging form. Teaching staff who previously graded a submission shall not serve as a judge in that respective category.
Submission Process
Students will submit Paper, Project, or Presentation for consideration via email in an accessible attachment format to library@helenacollege.edu or make arrangements for the submission to be accessible to the Library Learning Hub staff. Each submission must be accompanied by a completed copy of the submission cover form or the information required by the form shall be placed in the body of the emailed submission. Please download the submission cover form at this link.
Spring 2025 Submission Deadline
Monday, May 12 2025. Awards issued in Fall 2025