Check Out Books, Technology, and Other Library Materials
Students and staff may borrow books, journals, magazines, and DVDs for 4 weeks, with the option to renew twice, provided the item is not on hold for another patron.
Faculty may borrow books, journals, magazines, and DVDs for 12 weeks, with the option to renew twice, provided the item is not on hold for another patron.
Students, faculty, and staff may borrow laptops, for 2 weeks with the option to renew once.
Present your Helena College ID or other photo ID at the library circulation desk to check out items.
Community members may borrow books, journals, magazines, and DVDs for 4 weeks, with the option to renew twice. Sign up for a library card at the library circulation desk. A photo ID is required.
Return items to the library book drops. One is located inside the library next to the circulation desk. The other is located in the hallway, just to the east of the main library entrance.
Renew Books, Technology, and other Library Materials
Materials may be renewed by calling, emailing, or visiting the library to request a renewal. Renewals can also be requested by logging into My Library Account. Patrons must bring iPads to the circulation desk to renew.
Play and Check Out Games
The Library Learning Hub collaborates with Game Club to offer a variety of board games, card games, and role player games. Students and employees can play games in the Library or check the games out for 24 hours to play on campus or offsite. Available board games include Monopoly, Clue, Pictionary, Catan and many more. The collection has Dungeons and Dragons kits, manuals, mini figures, and polyhedral dice sets. Traditional games such as chess, go, cribbage, and backgammon are also available. All items can be check out and returned at the library desk.
Use “My Library Account”
Log into My Library Account from the library home page to see materials checked out, request renewals, or place a request for items owned by another Montana academic library.
Log In from Off Campus
Students, faculty, and staff have access to all online library resources 24/7 from any location with an internet connection. Log in with your NetID (HC#).
Request Items from another Library
Students, faculty, and staff may request materials from other academic libraries in Montana (TRAILS libraries). Use OneSearch to find materials, then sign in with your NetID (HC#) to request the item. You will be notified when the item is available for pickup.
Library staff can place requests for items on behalf of community members, students, faculty, or staff. Contact the library with your request.
For materials not found at Montana academic libraries, students, faculty, staff, and community members need to contact the library with author and title to request items from another library.
Suggest a Purchase
The library welcomes suggestions for relevant materials to add to the collection. Students, faculty, staff, and community members contact the library with title and author information to request items from another library.
Reserve the Quiet Study Rooms
In the Donaldson Library, you will find Quiet Study Rooms equipped with a whiteboard and large multi-use flat screen monitors, which can be connected to a computer. Individuals or small groups of students may reserve the room for study, tutoring, or quieter activities. Contact the library to book the rooms.
Web Print
Students, faculty, and staff have the ability to wirelessly print to the library’s black and white or color printer from laptops or other mobile devices using Web Print. Find the Web Print link on the student login page, log in with your NetID (HC#), and follow the steps to upload the file to be printed. Compatible file types include Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, PDF, JPEG, TIFF, and PNG.
Additional Services
The Donaldson Campus Library Learning Hub provides settings for both active group collaboration and quiet study. The Library Learning Hub has comfortable seating, study carrels, computers, printer, scanner, copier, and the Independent Record and other periodicals. The Library's collection of physical books, reference materials, and study guides are also available at this location. Students, faculty, staff, and community members are welcome to use the Library Learning Hub.
The Airport Campus Library is located in the Student Center. It has computers and a printer, as well as a variety of seating and tables. Students, faculty, and staff will find books and periodicals pertaining to the programs of study at the Airport Campus in this collection.