Additional Academic Opportunities at Helena College

Helena College is pleased to offer our students access to academic programs through partnerships with other institutions from across the state.

Offered on Helena College’s campus:

Degree Program Partnering Institution
B.A.S./B.I.T. Accounting/Business Technology Montana Tech
A.A.S. Early Childhood Education UM-Western

Specific program information follows.

Helena College is also proud to announce articulation agreements with the following institutions:

Carroll College

Accounting/Business Technology
Computer Technology eligible degree programs:
        Associate of Applied Science Computer Technology - Network Administration
        Associate of Applied Science Computer Technology - Programming
        Associate of  Applied Science Computer Technology - Webmaster
        Associate of Science NetworkAdministration Option
        Associate of Science Programming Option
        Associate of Science Webmaster Option


B.S. in Automotive Technology

UM - Missoula

School of Business Administration Transfer Initiative

Western Governors University

B.S. in Nursing

Associate of Science - Business Administration

Program of Study: Business Administration

UM - School of Business Administration Transfer Initiative

This degree program is specifically designed for students seeking admissions into the School of Business Administration at the University of Montana-Missoula. Upon completion of this degree, students desiring a bachelor’s degree in areas of Accounting, Finance, Information Systems, Management, Marketing, and International Business are eligible to apply for admissions into UM-Missoula’s School of Business Administration. Note: This degree offers eligibility for application to the School of Business Administration at UM-Missoula and does not guarantee admission. Students must earn a grade of “C” or better in all courses designated as a lower-core course.

I. General Education Core (31+ credits)

A: Natural Sciences/Mathematics (10+ credits)

M121 College Algebra  3
STAT216  Introduction to Statistics (lower core)  3
Choose one science combination listed below: (4 credits)
BIOB160  Principles of Living Systems  4
CHMY141  College Chemistry I  3
CHMY142  College Chemistry I Lab  1

B: Written Communication (6 credits)

WRIT101  College Writing I (lower core) 3
WRIT201  College Writing II 3

C: Oral Communication (3 credits)

COMX111  Intro to Public Speaking (lower core) 3

D: Social and Psychological Sciences (6+ credits)

NASX105 Native American Studies (3 D)
Choose one of the following:
PSYX100  Introduction to Psychology 3
SOCI101  Introduction to Sociology  3

E: Humanities/Fine Arts (6+ credits)

SPNS101  Spanish I  4
Choose one of the following:
ARTZ106  Visual Language – 2-D Foundations  3
HSTA101  American History I  3
HSTA102  American History II  3
LIT110  Introduction to Literature  3
MUSI101  Enjoyment of Music  3
THTR101  Introduction to Theater  3
THTR120  Introduction to Acting I  3
SPNS102  Spanish II  4

F: Diversity Requirement: See Section D

II. Additional General Education Requirements for Degree-Seeking Students (4+ credits)

Choose one science combination listed below: (4 credits)
BIOB170  Principles of Biological Diversity 3 4
CHMY143  College Chemistry II 3 3
CHMY144  College Chemistry Lab II 1 1
Total General Education Requirements (Minimum)  36-37

III. Program of Study (24 hours)

Required Courses:
ACTG201 1 Principles of Financial Accounting (lower core) 3
ACTG202  Principles of Managerial Accounting (lower core) 3
BGEN235  Business Law (lower core) 3
BMIS285  Foundations of Management Information Systems (MIS) 3
CSCI172  Introduction to Computer Modeling (lower core) 3 3
ECNS201  Principles of Microeconomics (lower core) 3
ECNS202 Principles of Macroeconomics (lower core) 3
M115  Probability & LinearMathematics* (lower core) 3 3
Total Program Requirements 24
Total Degree Requirements (Minimum) 60-61 

* Finance Majors are required to take Applied Calculus (M162) in place of Probability & Linear Mathematics (M115). This course should be taken the student’s first semester at UM-Missoula.

In the semester when students will have completed 60+ cumulative credits: 1) students must take a Writing Proficiency Assessment (WPA) exam with UM-Missoula and 2) apply for admissions into the School of Business Administration.


Bachelor of Applied Science – Business

Bachelor of Applied Science – Business Offered in Partnership with Montana Tech of the University of Montana

Contact: Barbara Yahvah,, 406-447-6963

This articulation agreement applies for the following degrees: (1) All A.A.S. degrees; (2) A.A. in Accounting Technology or Business Technology; (3) A.S. in Accounting Technology, Business Technology, or Computer Technology. Students should see their advisor to plan their transfer into B.A.S.

Any specific Helena College course will only be transferred in one the following categories: (1) Block Transfer; (2) General Education Core; or (3) Business Concentration. Classes cannot be counted in more than one category. Students need to see their advisor to maximize the transferability of their classes.

Block Transfer    Helena College
(54 cr.)

General Education Core (30 cr.)
Communications 6 cr.
WRIT101 College Writing I 3 Helena College
WRIT322 Business and Professional Writing 3+ TECH
Humanities 6 cr.
Humanities Elective (History, Literature, Language) 3 Helena College
BGEN363 Business Ethics and Decision-Making 3+ TECH
Social Sciences 6 cr.
ECNS203 Principles of Micro and Macro Economics 3 Helena College
Social Sciences Elective (Psychology, Sociology, Anthropology) 3 Helena College
Mathematics 6cr.
M115 Probability and Linear Math 3 Helena College
M171 or STAT216 Calculus I or Statistics 3 Helena College
Physical and Life Science 6-7 cr.
Physical and Life Science Elective (BIOB, BIOH, CHMY, EVSC, GEO, PHYS) 3 Helena College
Physical and Life Science Elective (ASTR w/lab, BIOB, BIOH, GEO, PHYS) 4 Helena College
Business Concentration Required for both tracks: (24 cr.)
ACTG201 Principles of Financial Accounting 3 Helena College
ACTG202 Principles of Managerial Accounting 3 Helena College
ACTG321 Accounting Information Systems I 3+ TECH
BFIN322 Business Finance 3+ TECH
BGEN235 Business Law I 3+ Helena College/TECH
BMKT225/BMKT325 Marketing/Principles of Marketing 3+ Helena College/TECH
BMGT235/BMGT335 Management/Management and Organization 3+ Helena College//TECH
BMGT426 Strategic Management 3+ TECH

Management Track (12 cr.)
BMGT329 Human Resource Management 3+
Electives (Choose 3 courses)
ACTG410 Cost/Mgmt Accounting I 3+ TECH
ACTG420 Cost/Mgmt Accounting II 3+
BFIN459 Money, Capital Markets and Institutions 3+ TECH
BGEN236 Business Law II 3+ TECH
BGEN491 Risk and Insurance 3+ TECH
BMGT322 Operations Management 3+ TECH
BMGT353W Organizational Behavior 3+ TECH
BMGT448 Entrepreneurship 3+ TECH
BMKT342 Marketing Research 3+ TECH
BMGT3XX Special Topics/Other 3+ TECH
BMGT4XX Special Topics/Other 3+ TECH
Accounting Track (12cr.)
ACTG301 Intermediate Accounting I 3+ TECH
ACTG302 Intermediate Accounting II 3+
ACTG410 Cost/Mgmt Accounting I 3+ TECH
Electives (Choose 3 courses)
ACTG401 Principles of Fed Taxation/Individuals 3+ TECH
ACTG402 Advanced Income Tax 3+ TECH
ACTG411 Auditing I 3+ TECH
ACTG412 Auditing II 3+ TECH
ACTG415 Governmental and Not-for-Profit Accounting I 3+ TECH
ACTG420 Cost/Mgmt Accounting II 3+ TECH
ACTG436 Advanced Accounting 3+ TECH

Any courses that are remedial in nature, such as math courses below College Algebra, will not be counted in the block transfer credit.

+Meets the upper division requirements for a B.A.S. (minimum 39 credits).

Some courses may have pre-requisites or require specific test scores for enrollment. Pre-requisite courses not listed on this agreement may not count towards a student’s transfer into the bachelor’s degree program.

Minimum Credits for B.A.S. degree in Business 120 credits. Minimum of 39 upper division credits (3XX or 4XX). Minimum of 30 upper division credits, including BMGT426, must be Montana Tech credits.

BMGT426 is the capstone course and should only be attempted during one of the last two semesters in the program.

Bachelor of Science - Business and Information Technology

Bachelor of Science - Business and Information Technology Offered in Partnership with Montana Tech of the University of Montana

Contact: Barbara Yahvah,, 406-447-6963

Freshman Year

Fall Semester
CAPP131 Basic MS Office 3 Helena College
M115 Probability and Linear Math 3 Helena College
WRIT101 College Writing I 3 Helena College
Free Elective 3 Helena College
*Physical and Life Sci.** 3 Helena College
Spring Semester
BGEN105 Introduction to Business 3 Helena College
CSCI/ITSXXX Computer Science Elective *** 3 Helena College
M171 Calculus I 3 Helena College
*Humanities Elective 3 Helena College
*Phys and Life Sci. Lab** 3-4 Helena College

Sophomore Year

Fall Semester
ACTG201 Principles of Financial Accounting 3 Helena College
CAPP156 MS Excel 3 Helena College/TECH
COMX111 Introduction to Public Speaking 3 Helena College
CSCI110 Programming with Visual Basic I 3 Helena College
ECNS201 Principles of Microeconomics (SS) 3 Helena College
Spring Semester
ACTG202 Principles of Managerial Accounting 3 Helena College
CAPP158 Basic MS Access 3 Helena College/TECH
CSCI/ITSXXX Computer Science Elective *** 3 Helena College
ECNS202 Principles of Macroeconomics (SS) 3 Helena College
STAT216 Introduction to Statistics 3 Helena College

Junior Year

Fall Semester
BFIN322 Business Finance 3+ TECH
BGEN235 Business Law I 3+ Helena College/TECH
BMGT235/BMGT335 Management/Management & Organization 3+ Helena College/TECH
BMGT353W Organization Behavior 3+ TECH
BMGT448 Entrepreneurship 3+ TECH
Spring Semester
ACTG321 Accounting Information System I 3+ TECH
BGEN236 Business Law II 3+ TECH
BMKT225/BMKT325 Marketing/Principles of Marketing 3+ Helena College/TECH
BMGT322 Operations Management 3+ TECH
WRIT322 Advanced Business Writing 3+ TECH

Senior Year

Fall Semester
BGEN360 International Business 3+ TECH
BMGT362 Labor Relations and the Collective Bargaining Process 3+ TECH
BMKT342 Marketing Research 3+ Helena College/TECH
Upper Div Elect (3000/4000) 3+ TECH
Upper Div Elect (3000/4000) 3+ TECH
Spring Semester
BFIN455 Money, Capital Markets and Institutions 3+ TECH
BGEN363 Business Ethics and Decision-Making 3+ TECH
BMGT329 Human Resource Management 3+ TECH
BMGT426 Strategic Management 3+ TECH
Upper Div Elect (3000/4000) 3+ TECH

*Students must choose electives so that the General Education Core Requirements are satisfied. They should refer to the general education core requirements in previous section.

**Any Biology (BIOB and BIOH), Chemistry (CHMY), Geology (GEO), Physics (PHYS), or Science (SCI) course.

***Students choose from CSCI 111, 114, 121, 221, 240, 241, 242; CT 161, 181, 210, 247, 253, 262, 266; ITS 212, 224, 250.

+Meets the upper division requirements for a B.S. (minimum 39 credits).

Some courses may have pre-requisites or require specific test scores for enrollment. Pre-requisite courses not listed on this agreement may not count towards a student’s transfer into the bachelor’s degree program.

Minimum Credits for B.S. degree in Business Information Technology 120. Minimum of 30 upper division credits, including BMGT426, must be Montana Tech credits.

BMGT426 is the capstone course and should only be attempted during one of the last two semesters in the program.

Associate of Applied Science in Early Childhood Education

Offered in partnership with The University of Montana—Western

The Associate of Applied Science degree in Early Childhood Education prepares early childhood practitioners to meet the unique needs of children from birth through age eight and their families in a variety of early childhood settings including child care homes and centers, Head Starts, pre-schools, etc. The program features a lab with each early childhood course, allowing ample opportunity for learning by doing. Students also have many opportunities to interact with peers and professionals in the field.

This degree is conferred by UM-Western, but all courses can be taken at Helena College. Courses designated as UM-Western are subject to their policies as outlined in their catalog. General education courses are delivered through Helena College and are subject to the policies found in this catalog.

Early childhood courses rotate on a two-year schedule, so it is imperative for interested students to contact an advisor as soon as possible. For more information students should contact the School of Outreach at UM-Western at 866-799-9140 or Admissions and Enrollment Services at Helena College University of Montana at 406-447-6900.

First Semester (Fall Entry)

Helena College Courses
CAPP100 Short Courses: Computer Literacy 2 credit
WRIT101 College Writing I 3 credits
Fine Arts Elective 3 credits
Social Science Elective 3 credits
UM-Western Courses:
ED142/143 Introduction to Early Childhood/Lab 2 credits
ED250/251 Child Growth and Development/Lab 4 credits
Total: 17 credits

Second Semester

Helena College Courses:
M115 or higher Math Elective 3-4 credits
Natural Science Elective 3-4 credits
Health Elective 3 credits
UM-Western Courses:
EDEC220/221 Creating an Environment for Learning/Lab 3 credits
EDEC230/231 Positive Child Discipline/Lab 3 credits
Total: 15-17 credits

Third Semester

Professional Electives** 9 credits
UM-Western Courses:
ED242/243 Meeting the Needs of the Family/Lab 3 credits
ED320/321 EC Curriculum I/Lab 3 credits
Total: 15 credits

Fourth Semester

Professional Electives** 9 credits
UM-Western Courses:
ED344/345 EC Professional/Lab 3 credits
ED324/325 EC Curriculum II/Lab 3 credits
Total: 15 credits
Program Total: 61-63 credits

**Professional Electives - to be decided upon in conjunction with Program Advisor. The electives can be courses in Sociology, Psychology, Health and/or Early Childhood Education. Courses can be taken through either Helena College or online through UM-Western.