Accessibility Services - Returning Students

Icon for link to apply for accommodations page

The Office of Accessibility Services has a number of programs and tools available for students to use. These assistive technologies include:

  • Read & Write:  Screen-Reading Software
  • FM system: an amplification system that hard-of-hearing students can use
  • Accessibility Services can also help you set up your computer, tablet, or phone to serve as assistive technology
  • Accessibility services can also help you setup your laptop or smartphone with assistive technology

We also have tools such as talking calculators, Livescribe pens, digital recorders, amplified stethoscopes, large button keyboards, magnifiers, and more for the student to borrow. See the Office of Accessibility Services for more info.

The US Dept. of Ed. Office of Civil Rights complaint

Office of Civil Rights and Department of Education 504 and ADA information

Helena College Student Handbook has all kinds of information you may need for your college career at Helena College.

The Helena College TRIO program is available to all students with disabilities. The TRIO program can help you build connection and give you extra resources for your college career.

If you would like to file a complaint or a problem with your accommodations at Helena College, you can follow the complaint process in the student handbook and the front page of the Accessibility Services page.

STUDENT COMPLAINT PROCEDURES A complaint is any expression of dissatisfaction with the performance of a college employee or procedure. Any student who has a concern about the actions of a particular staff or faculty member or student or with a college procedure has the right to have his or her complaint heard in a logical and orderly manner. Helena College emphasizes the importance of direct, courteous and respectful communication to informally resolve student concerns and complaints. The college has identified specific procedures for various types of complaints as outlined on the following steps. Students are advised to consult with the Director of Student Life for advice in proceeding with a complaint. The Director of Student Life may act as an advocate who will assist the student in the completion of the appropriate complaint procedure. A student may waive the right to an advocate.

TIME LIMITS FOR FILING COMPLAINTS The appropriate administrative officer may suspend or extend the time limits specified in the various steps of the General Complaint procedure under exceptional circumstances such as extended illness, sabbatical leave, or the absence of one or both parties to the complaint. In the event that a formal complaint is suspended or the timeframe for resolution is extended, the administrator will notify both parties to the complaint in writing. If the complaint involves a discrimination issue, the time limits in the appropriate policy or regulation shall apply. When either party of the complaint is no longer at the College and does not expect to return, the appropriate administrator shall give reasonable opportunity for either party to respond before making a decision to dismiss or provide resolution to the complaint as necessary.

GENERAL COMPLAINT PROCEDURE When there is good cause to believe a student has a complaint and a satisfactory resolution cannot be obtained through direct communication with the staff or faculty member, the following procedure should be utilized:

Step One: If no satisfactory resolution is reached through discussion with the faculty or staff member against whom the complaint exists, or if the student determines that the complaint may be resolved more appropriately without the faculty or staff member involved, the student should attempt to resolve the complaint through a meeting with the appropriate academic division chair or immediate supervisor (for Accessibility Resources, the immediate supervisor is: Ann Willcockson). This meeting must occur within five (5) instructional days of the attempt to directly resolve the complaint informally or the situation or circumstance that gave rise to the complaint if the student determines the complaint may be resolved more appropriately without the faculty or staff member involved.

Step Two: If a satisfactory resolution cannot be obtained through the Step 1 meeting, a student may proceed with a formal written complaint. The student shall outline in writing the complaint, identifying dates and persons involved, why previous attempts at informal resolution failed, and the desired resolution to the complaint. The written complaint must be submitted to five (5) instructional days of the Step 1 meeting. When the formal complaint is received it shall be forwarded by the appropriate senior administrator (Executive Directors of Compliance, Gen Ed, CTE, and/or Director of Nursing) to the faculty or staff member and other appropriate parties concerned for a written response within ten (10) instructional days. The appropriate senior administrator shall keep all written documentation associated with the complaint as a record of the proceedings. The senior administrator shall inform the student of the nature of the written response from the parties. If the written response fails to resolve the complaint to the satisfaction of the student, the appropriate senior administrator (Executive Directors of Compliance, Gen Ed, CTE, and/or Director of Nursing) will convene a conference of all the parties to the complaint within ten (10) instructional days for the purpose of bringing the complaint to resolution.

Step Three: In the event the administrative conference fails to resolve the complaint, the written complaint, along with any records of proceedings, and a recommendation for resolution will be provided to the Dean/CEO for a final resolution within ten (10) instructional days. The Dean/CEO will review the complaint and may amend, modify, reverse or accept the recommendation, advising all affected parties of the final resolution to be implemented.

If a student is not satisfied with the resolution implemented by the Dean/CEO, the student may address his or her complaint in writing to the Commissioner of Higher Education, PO Box 203201, Helena, MT 59620-3201, in accordance with Montana Board of Regents of Higher Education 203.5.2.

A complaint against a faculty or staff member shall not result in the forfeiture of said faculty or staff member’s rights as protected under the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Helena Teacher’s Union, MEA-MFT, NEA, AFT, AFL-CIO and the Montana Board of Regents of Higher Education or the Montana Public Employees Association and the Montana University System.

Contact Accessibility Services Staff:

Phone: (406) 447-6911
Office location: Donaldson Campus Room 119
Schedule an appointment today!