Helena College's Nursing Programs prepare graduates to become skilled providers in various health care environments. With an outstanding curriculum, dedicated faculty, and job placement rates, these programs have become highly competitive with 20 new students admitted each semester in the Associate of Science in Registered Nursing program and 16 new students each year in the Practical Nursing Certificate of Applied Science program.
Practical Nursing Certificate of Applied Science uses specialized knowledge and skills that meet the health care needs of people in a variety of settings under the direction of qualified health professions. The curriculum focuses on preparation for employment in doctor’s offices, urgent care facilities, and long-term care. Students learn practical nursing skills through independent study, lectures, simulation demonstrations, and practice in the skills lab. Under instructor supervision, students also provide patient care in a variety of health care settings. The program is approved by the Montana State Board of Nursing. Graduates of the program are eligible to apply for the National Council of Licensing Examination (NCLEX) LPN licensure examination from the Montana State Board of Nursing. Upon passing the examination, the graduate becomes a Licensed Practical Nurse, LPN. This program entails a series of pre-requisite courses that can be taken through Helena College or Bitterroot College.
This program is available through a virtual-blended format at Helena College. The PN program admits up to 16 students (eight in Helena and eight in Hamilton-Bitterroot College) every year. Didactic courses are taught online via TEAMs at specific days and times. Exams, clinicals, and labs are done in-person at either Helena College or Bitterroot College.
Applications for Spring 2026 start are accepted during the Fall 2025 term through 5:00 Dec 1, 2025.
Practical Nursing (C.A.S.) Application Packet
Gainful Employment Information
The Associate of Science in Registered Nursing program prepares graduates to be skilled members and leaders in various health care environments. Students learn valuable nursing skills for the acute care hospital setting through independent study, lectures, simulation demonstrations, practice in the skills lab, and supervised practice in clinical settings. Graduates of the program are eligible to apply for the NCLEX-RN licensure examination from the Montana State Board of Nursing. After passing the examination, the graduate becomes a Registered Nurse (RN). The Associate of Science Registered Nursing degree program is ACEN accredited. This program entails a series of pre-requisite courses that can be taken through the Pre-Nursing program at Helena College.
Associate of Science in Registered Nursing - Accepting applications TWICE A YEAR!
Questions regarding these application times contact the Nursing Department at 406-447-6985 or nursingapplications@helenacollege.edu .
Effective Oct 1, 2015, Montana joined the NLC (Nurse Licensure Compact) allowing all MT unencumbered licensees with a primary residence of MT to be eligible for a multi-state license. MT licensees with a primary state of residence in a compact state, can use their compact license to practice in MT. For more information please see the Montana Board of Nursing-Nursing Licensure Compact https://boards.bsd.dli.mt.gov/nursing/ and the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) for information on other states where the multistate nursing licensee can practice https://www.ncsbn.org/compacts/nurse-licensure-compact.page
If you are applying for the LPN or ASRN programs you are required to take the TEAS test. Seats are limited. Register and pay at the cashier's office at least 48 hours in advance by either stopping by in person or by calling 406-447-6921.
The test cost $85 per attempt. No refunds for cancellations less than 48 hours in advance (fee may be forwarded in event of illness.)
Tests are held on Fridays at 10:00am. Check-in at Room 113.
Study Resources and Pre-tests are available at atitesting.com and in the Helena College Library.
You will receive a confirmation email with important information on Wednesday before your test. Please contact the Testing Center at 406-447-6946 or email testingcenter@helenacollege.edu with questions.
The Associate of Science in Registered Nursing program at Helena College University of Montana at the Donaldson Campus located in Helena, Montana is accredited by the: